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WHO should play CELLARE
The CELLARE can cover the wide range between contemplative playing and virtuousness
Absolute beginners and non-musicians :
Due to the tuning in fifths, the ungrasped cellare sounds excellent The CELLARE can cover the wide range between contemplative playing and virtuousness

Bassplayers and guitarists
Since the cellar is notated in the bass clef, new possibilities open up for the bassists
With a little trick, bassists can also play many guitar works

heavy & metal guitarists
See it as a special type of NRG (non regular guitar)/ ERG (extended range guitar) and expand your sound spectrum.Don’t be afraid of the new tuning. The cellare plays itself and lets you deep dive.

CELLARE played by animals, objects and ghosts
new series upcoming !!

WHO still plays CELLARE
this overview is constantly being expanded